Monday, 16 June 2014

Louise Solomon Yogalates for Weight Loss

This DVD was the first DVD I bought when I wanted to lose weight, I hadn’t exercised in years and thought what better way to ease myself in to exercise than a bit of stretching and holding poses.

This DVD is about 50 minutes long. Louise gets a lot of stick on Amazon from customers that find her voice annoying, the way she says ‘belly’ and ‘body’ seem to piss people off enough for them to write paragraphs upon paragraphs of how it grips their shit. To me those people are the type of people who you can never please and want to find any excuse not to exercise. She isn’t annoying, she’s Australian and softly spoken and concentration should be more on what you are doing than listening out for accents that annoy you.

Anyway back to what is important. Does. It. Work.

Yes, this DVD is a great way to ease yourself back in to exercise, it is very very relaxing and Louise explains every exercise, stretch and movement with precision. Louise also explains when to inhale and when to exhale.

The stretches and poses are not difficult however there is a girl in the DVD (Louise’s Daughter) who you can follow is something is particularly challenging for you.

The time flies doing this DVD and although I have had it for over 2 years now I still occasionally put it on. However it is not very challenging and I do only do it to de-stress on stressy days. Having said that, even though it is easy you will feel it the next day, although I wasn’t struggling to breathe and lift a pen like I was with Tracy Anderson’s Mat Workout I could feel slight aches and pains. You will also lose weight and tone up with this DVD as well as gain great posture whilst all the time feeling relaxed. What more could you want?

The DVD has 3 menu options.

The main workout – like I said before this is roughly 50 minutes long. You will do all sorts of yoga moves, the downward dog, the jellyfish and my favourite, childs pose. Doing the exercises I felt very feminine and not the sweaty heffer beast I feel when I do a cardio DVD. This Yogalates DVD won’t make you sweat but I swear it makes you taller!!!!! And also you will lose inches over night with this however I don’t know if these results are lasting as I always use this DVD in conjunction with another.

Instant Abs – 15 minutes of pure abs. On the DVD the 15 minute abs is described as an ‘extreme abdominal workout, designed for even faster results’ personally I wouldn’t call them extreme but I would definitely call them effective.

Relaxation – Louise talks whilst the DVD plays beach scenes with waves etc. She has you laid down and talks you through every part of your body relaxing. I love this, I even use this before bed if I am feeling restless and it helps me sleep. This part of the DVD is amazing and will have you laid on the floor still long after it has ended.

I give this DVD 8/10 I think the main workout could involve more leg work and I would have liked to have held some of the poses for longer which could be achieved by pressing pause I know but it is very hard to press pause when you are doing the dancers pose.

This DVD does do what she tells you it will do, you do lose weight and inches and for an hour a day of basically just relaxing then this DVD is surely nothing more than a miracle?


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