Monday, 16 June 2014

Darcey Bussell Pilates For Life

I only found out recently after searching for a Pilates DVD that Darcey Bussell had one out!! My only experience with Pilates is Louise Solomons Yogalates which is a combination of both Pilates and Yoga so Pilates is more or less new to me.

 I waited by the door every day for the post man, anxious to try it. After 3 days he finally handed it over and the feeling of ripping his face off for 2 days of a no show subsided quickly as I ran to my dining room and inserted the DVD.

The DVD is split up into many parts, unlike other exercise DVDs I own the warm up and cool down are not incorporated in to the main work out.

The DVD is split up in to sections;

·         Introduction – Darcey explaining why she does and loves Pilates

·         Warm up

·         Key starter points – helpful tips on how to lay without arching or sinking your back

·         Main Programme – choosing this option will bring up another screen of options so you can break it down in to sections or the full workout

·         Mini programme – I have never used this but it is a quick session if you’re pushed for time

·         Warm down

This DVD is NOT a weight loss DVD, Pilates might help you lose inches but it won’t help you lose fat, Pilates is more for strengthening core muscles and giving you a lean defined body.

The warm up is Darcey stretching and holding light and gentle poses on the beach. Very easy and relaxing.

The main work out which I did in full (I have never split it up) is roughly 50 minutes long and it was excellent. The first thing you notice is how amazing Darcey’s body is, you can see every muscle in her body and she holds poses no matter how hard with complete grace. She guides you through each stretch with accuracy and explains what each move is doing to your body.

I thought there would be an air of snobbery with this DVD with Darcey being a ballet dancer I assumed the whole thing would have been the total opposite of what it is, I thought she would swan in and out of each pose with an expectancy of you to follow suit as quickly and effortlessly as she does but that is not the case. She pauses between moves and nothing is rushed, there is enough time plus more to position yourself properly and enough information for you to be sure you are doing the right thing before you begin each move. She explains that some exercises may be hard but to stick with them as your flexibility will improve.

Darcey lets you know how many times to do each move or how many counts to hold certain moves for but she doesn’t count out loud which is particularly difficult when you have your face planted in to a towel and she tells you to hold a pose for a count of four however this is not a big deal, it is something that can be picked up quickly.

This DVD is easy, easy if you’re flexible anyway and if you aren’t this will get you flexible in time. It is very relaxing and much like Louise Solomons Yogalates you won’t break a sweat but you will feel like you have worked out the day after. There are lots of controlled movements and pose holding stretches which I absolutely love.

If I had to choose between Darcey Bussells Pilates for life and Louise Solomons Yogalates for weight loss I would choose Darcey’s DVD but it is a close call. Darcey’s DVD has what I thought was lacking in Yogalates which is holding poses, Louise Solomon doesn’t seem to hold poses for very long where as some of Darcey’s are held for 10 counts. I feel holding poses improves steadiness and therefore improves the core muscles which is basically what Yoga and Pilates is about.

I have only done Pilates for life 7 times so I can’t comment on if it is working just yet but I have a feeling I am going to get great results from this DVD. I have done my seven sessions consecutively too just because I enjoy it so much but Darcey recommends beginners to do this DVD at least 3 times a week.

I have decided to do this DVD 7 days a week and Yogalates on weekends because I do miss certain moves in Louise Solomon’s DVD. Four hours of Pilates and Yogalates may seem a lot in the space of two days but trust me, these DVDs are relaxing. I look forward to doing them, they aren’t a chore like some exercise DVDs and as a complete stress monster I feel I need to do these as often as possible as a wave of calm does come over me which is always welcomed.

I am really looking forward to getting results from this DVD, I look forward to doing it again as soon as the DVD has finished which bodes well as the title is ‘Pilates for LIFE’ I can see myself doing this DVD still in the years to come, whether I get any massive results or not. I enjoy it that much!!

PS the exercise Darcey holds on the back of the box is the hardest out of them all, whether you can barely lift your leg or you can throw it over your shoulder Darcey explains that in time you can do it!

I am giving this DVD 10/10 yes I am being premature with my scoring, I usually give a DVD a few weeks/months before I decide how good it is but I have never enjoyed one as much as I enjoy this and I know I will do this every day and I will miss it on the days when I can’t. I miss it already and I have just done it.

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